The Great Indian Manipal Yatra

UPDATE: December 11th 2009: 8000+ hits!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Journey commenced on Aug 1st 2006 !

Safz Posted by Picasa

Truly W W M !

Welcome to the TGIMY Blog! (Scroll down for Stats!)

This 'site' went live in 2006.

I wanted this site to be useful and entertaining for prospective students and Manipal Alumni alike .. hope it serves this purpose! I hope it plays a role in bridging the gap between long lost friends :)

To watch Videos of Manipal click on Videos!

To view the uptodate interactive Map click on Map of Manipal!
South of KMC Greens (the vast green area in the centre) is Tiger Circle -- the best reference point fr Alumni !

Do click on the Comments tab at the bottom on this blog entry (and then click on Other in case you're not a Blogspot member) and enlighten me with your thoughts and suggestions !

Thanks a ton to the thousand(s) of you who have already visited this site!

The Stats say it all !
Virtual Milestones (since inception)
1000 hits: 114 hours
2000 hits: 270 hours
3000 hits: 515 hours
4000 hits: 1362 hours
5000 hits: 4 months
6000 hits: 10 months
7000 hits: 1yr 5 months
Current - 8000 hits +

The Geocounter bore proof to the fact that Manipal folks are all over the world!
The maximum hits were from the US and India; Other countries worthy of note are Canada, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, Australia, Kenya, Bahrain, Germany, Portugal, Mauritius, Spain, Ghana, Indonesia, Kuwait, Denmark, the UAE, Singapore, Colombia, France, Malaysia, HongKong, Ireland, Austria, South Africa, Bangladesh, Romania, Turkey, The Netherlands, Qatar, Italy, Chile, Croatia, Brazil, Finland, Morocco, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, the Republic of Korea, Philippines, Oman, Japan, Senegal, Slovenia, Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, Taiwan, Bulgaria the United Republic of Tanzania and Sri Lanka!!

Due to unforeseen technical reasons the link to the photographic journey malfunctioned and I lost the site as well. Hope you enjoy the remnant of the Yatra(trip) as much as I enjoyed preparing it !

Sincere regards and best wishes !

Bon Voyage !

Dr.Syed Safvi Mahmood
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal - '98 Batch, Grad 2004
Ex Student Council President & Intern Association President